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作者:重庆联合丽格美容医院       时间:2023-09-23        在线预约 | 专家答疑













With the advancement of society and the improvement of aesthetic consciousness, more and more people have started to pay attention to their appearance. Among them, the nose, as a crucial element of the face, plays a vital role. For those who are dissatisfied with the shape of their nose, rhinoplasty has become a common cosmetic procedure. However, not everyone is suitable for rhinoplasty. Therefore, before making the decision to undergo the surgery, it is important to understand who is suitable for rhinoplasty and the related features and selection criteria.

一、Characteristics of Suitable Candidates:

1、Nasal Imbalance: This includes issues such as a nose that is too small, a flat nasal bridge, or a drooping nasal tip. Rhinoplasty can address these concerns by altering the shape and structure of the nose, achieving a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

2、Congenital or Acquired Nasal Defects: Some individuals may have nasal deformities or defects due to congenital conditions or external trauma. Rhinoplasty can improve these defects by repairing and reconstructing the nasal structure, enhancing overall facial harmony.

3、Psychological Well-being: Any form of cosmetic surgery requires a healthy psychological state and stable mindset. Rhinoplasty not only affects a person’s physical appearance but also has a significant impact on their self-image and confidence. Therefore, suitable candidates for rhinoplasty should possess a healthy psychological state and be able to face the potential risks and outcomes of the surgery rationally.

二、Selection Criteria:

1、Professional Advice from Surgeons: Prior to making the decision to undergo rhinoplasty, it is essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will assess the individual’s nasal condition and expectations, evaluate the feasibility and expected outcomes of the procedure, and provide professional advice.

2、Physical Health: Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that should be performed on individuals in good physical health. Therefore, candidates should have a sound physical condition without any serious chronic illnesses or infections.

3、Realistic Expectations and Reasonable Anticipation: Before undergoing rhinoplasty, it is important to have a clear understanding of the potential outcomes and risks of the procedure. Expecting a perfectly flawless nose is unrealistic. The goal should be to improve one’s appearance and boost self-confidence through the surgery.

Realistic Expectations and Reasonable Anticipation: Before undergoing rhinoplasty, it is important to have a clear understanding of the potential outcomes and risks of the procedure. Expecting a perfectly flawless nose is unrealistic. The goal should be to improve one’s appearance and boost self-confidence through the surgery.

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  • 重庆联合丽格美容医院




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